Telecinco premieres 'Dolores' next Sunday: the debate of 'Secret Story' runs out of space in prime time

Dolores Vázquez and Jordi González.

Dolores Vázquez and Jordi González.

Telecinco unveiled last night during a promotion the date of the open premiere of 'Dolores. The truth about the Wanninkof case', the documentary about Dolores Vazquez. The documentary series, with six episodes, jumps to the Mediaset chain next Sunday, November 21 at 10:00 p.m.

This means that the project that produces Unicorn Content remains with the gap that the debate of 'Secret Story' had been occupying since its inception and what presents Jordi Gonzalez. But, as Vertele advances, reality does not disappear from Sunday night, but Telecinco has given it a new location.

According to the aforementioned medium, 'The night of secrets' will begin at the end of the broadcast of 'Dolores', that is to say, in the late night. Historically, the debates of 'Big Brother' were broadcast in this time slot, however for a few years the chain has spent all its night with a full reality show on duty. Therefore, it will be a new situation for 'Secret Story', which on Sunday night is when it has least performed; in fact, He has never managed to beat 'Infiel' on Antena 3.

'Dolores. The truth about the Wanninkof 'case will be accompanied by a special conducted by Toñi Moreno, who has served as an interviewer and executive producer. Subsequently, the chain will broadcast the first episode of the series, which is now complete on HBO Max.


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