Social Security extends the 80% bonus in quota for mothers who resume activity to two years

Social Security extends the 80% bonus in quota for mothers who resume activity to two years

One of the contribution improvements that the self-employed associations managed to wrest from the Government in the last stages of the negotiation of the RETA reform is the extension of the quota bonus period for self-employed working mothers who resume their activity. Thus, although the initial offer of the Executive was a bonus of 80% of the monthly fee to be paid in Social Security during the first twelve months of reactivation, this umbrella will finally be extended to 24 months. “Workers included in the Special Social Security Scheme for Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers or, as self-employed workers, in the first contribution group of the Special Social Security Scheme for Sea Workers, who, having ceased their activity due to the birth of a son or daughter, adoption, guardianship for purposes of adoption, foster care and guardianship, in the legally established terms, return to carry out an activity on their own account within the two years immediately following the effective date of the cessation, They will be entitled to a bonus, during the 24 months immediately following the date of their return to work, of 80% of the fee for common contingencies corresponding to the minimum contribution base, "says the decree law. Quota in pluriactivity Also on the horn, an improvement in contribution was achieved for the self-employed in pluriactivity - a situation in which two or more work activities are carried out that require contributing to more than one Social Security scheme, for example in the RETA and the salaried regime, simultaneously. Related News standard Yes The self-employed will be able to deduct 10% of the pension plan in personal income tax Gonzalo D. Velarde Since January they will contribute based on their real income with installments of between 200 and 590 euros Thus, "a job for another's account that contributes under the pluriactivity, taking into account both the contributions made in this special regime and the business contributions and those corresponding to the worker in the corresponding Social Security regime for their activity as an employee, they will be entitled to a refund of 50% of the excess in which their contributions for common contingencies exceed the amount established for this purpose by the General State Budget Law for each financial year, with a maximum of 50% of the paid quotas.

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