Six dead elephants after falling by a waterfall in Thailand - La Provincia

Six elephants have died this Saturday after falling by Haew Narok waterfall, in Khao Yai National Park, in Thailand, and two have been rescued.

The first news of the event occurred around 3.00 on Saturday, when a team of park workers who they were pulling elephants away from a highway They heard the call of the animals that had fallen through the waterfall.

About three hours later they discovered an elephant calf of about three years dead in the water near the waterfall. Two elephants were trying to help the baby despite being visibly tired. The workers went down to the area and found five other drowned elephants, explained the director of the park, Khanchit Srinoppawan, according to the newspaper 'The Bangkok Post'.

So the management ordered the closure of that area to visitors and sent more staff who helped the two surviving elephants out. The rescue culminated at 2:30 pm on Saturday, when they were able to give them pineapples and bananas to recover their strength.


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