High Chavista leader assures that Guaidó has already chosen an embassy to take refuge

The president of the official National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, affirmed on Tuesday that the leader of the Parliament, Juan Guaidó, "chose" a European embassy "where he wants to go", and avoid being captured for alleged crimes attributed to him by the Prosecutor's Office.

The opponent is pointed out by the Government to be linked to the failed raid last Sunday and to various attempts at a "coup d'état" in the last two years, for which he was called to testify last March before the fiscal entity, but not He showed up for the appointment, an absence that could have legal consequences.

The Executive considers that Guaidó has incurred in several crimes, in addition to the alleged attempted coup d'état, since, despite having an order not to leave the country, earlier this year, he made an international tour that reported more popularity, but on his return his opponents charged at him.

"The day that the courts of the Republic give the mandate to arrest Mr. Juan Guaidó for all the crimes he has committed, that day he goes to jail, rest assured. That day has not come, but it will come," said the president. Nicolás Maduro three days after the return of the opposition leader to Venezuela.

With the charges attributed to him by the Prosecutor's Office and the Government itself, Guaidó could be detained when he was accused of treason, failure to comply with legal orders and various alleged coup attempts.

Without referring directly to the possible arrest of Guaidó or to a persecution, Cabello insisted that "he has already chosen the embassy where he wants to go, he is European. He knows what I am talking about. Since he sent some suitcases. What will those suitcases have?" .

In addition, Cabello said that he will wait "to see what happens", because, he ironized, "we will probably end up protecting him", as well as "all these terrorists" who have tried to attack the so-called Bolivarian revolution.

The Government of Venezuela has said that the maritime raid that frustrated last Sunday was part of this expedition, which also intended to assassinate Maduro.

The frustrated attack has caused some 15 arrests and 8 people died at the hands of state security forces.


Cabello confirmed that the failed attack on Sunday was intended to assassinate Nicolás Maduro to establish a civic-military junta led by former general Raúl Baduel and with the participation of Guaidó himself.

"It is what is in the documents," Cabello said, while showing an organization chart headed by Baduel, who was Defense Minister to Hugo Chávez during his term and has been detained in a military prison for years.

He argued that Guaidó would have the responsibility of "head of the legislative council." The alleged board would also be made up of the military Héctor Hernandez as "secretary of state", Igbert Marín as "head of the strategic council" and Antonio Sequea as "secretary of state for interior and justice".

Sequea was arrested this Monday along with a group of attackers that the government calls "mercenaries" and including two US citizens named Airan Berry and Luke Denman.

According to Cabello, among the documents seized there was also a list of military promotions that he did not show.


The head of the Constituent Assembly also accused the presidents of the United States, Donald Trump, and of Colombia, Iván Duque, of having responsibility for organizing the attack that was neutralized on Sunday.

But Trump distanced himself from the facts on Tuesday and said that his Administration has "nothing to do", thus following in the footsteps of Colombia, which also rejected, as "unfounded and speculative", Venezuela's accusations.

However, Cabello assured that the US Government "He is the one behind this attempt (...) 48 hours passed and you were not aware, Mr. President (Trump)? Unbelievable."


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