Capital Energy constitutes its foundation



Capital Energy, a Spanish energy company founded in 2002 and whose vocation is to become the first 100% vertically integrated renewable operator in the Iberian Peninsula, continues to advance in its commitment to link its activity to the social, environmental and cultural development of the territories in which is present.

To this end, the company has set up the Capital Energy Foundation, which will focus its activities on three main areas: social action and cooperation, training and research and climate change, sustainability and environmental protection. Gloria Martín will act as president of the institution.

With regard to social action and cooperation, the Capital Energy Foundation plans to promote, either alone or in partnership with other foundations and NGOs, initiatives aimed at facilitating the energy supply among the most disadvantaged groups, as well as participating in donation campaigns with social purposes.

The company already has experience in this area. This same year it has signed a collaboration agreement with the Association of Persoas con Discapacidade da Bisbarra de Muros (Adisbismur) to launch initiatives that promote employment, social welfare and the integration of people with disabilities in the Muros region. (La Coruña). Likewise, it has donated furniture, material and economic funds to the Foundation for the Disabled of the A Barcala region, also in the province of La Coruña.

Regarding climate change, sustainability and environmental protection, the Capital Energy Foundation will work on proposals focused on safeguarding fauna and flora, improving energy efficiency and eliminating the emission of CO2 in the infrastructures of the municipalities in which it develops its operations. renewable projects and reduce their environmental impact.

In this sense, the company already collaborates with the NGO Grefa (Group for the Rehabilitation of Native Fauna and its Habitat) in its conservation campaign for Montagu's harriers and has promoted, together with the Galician Energy Institute, the installation of 70 photovoltaic panels in the occupational center of Adisbismur, in the council of Outes.

Finally, with regard to training and research, the foundation plans to launch a scholarship program linked to specialized master's degrees in renewable energy, as well as to promote research grants and educational projects linked to raising the awareness of new generations in terms of sustainability.

Capital Energy also has extensive experience in this field, as evidenced by the agreements signed with 18 university centers throughout Spain not only to promote training in renewable energy but also to establish itself as a benchmark company in carrying out internships. In fact, more than 75% of the students who have had this possibility -33 in the last year alone- have become part of the company's staff.

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