App so you do not forget the child in the car

App so you do not forget the child in the car

The death of a child in his country, Dominican Republic led José Miguel de la Rosa to create the application "Baby On Board Safe" "to help preserve the lives of children and prevent them from being forgotten in vehicles." José Miguel is an industrial operator at the Dominican Petroleum Refinery. The creator of this app thought that you could use the advanced technology that exists today to stop these tragedies. José Miguel for his work knew some programming but not enough to start this app. He teamed up with a friend and so "Baby On Board" was born, with a budget of $ 10,000. It has registered around 3,400 downloads in countries such as the Dominican Republic, the United States, Afghanistan or India.

The app is free for Android and Apple and it is necessary to connect the phone to the Bluetooth of the car and have GPS enabled.

The user chooses from the list of contacts on his mobile which persons should be notified when the baby is at risk. When the driver arrives at the destination and leaves the car, the application detects it and sends a message asking if he has taken the child out of the car. If there is no answer or the answer is NO. The App is put in emergency mode. The App will send another message to the five minutes, ten and fifteen and if it is still unanswered it will notify a contact in the emergency list sending the location of the car and a message warning of the danger.

Forgetting children in the car can have fatal consequences from dehydration to death in the worst case. According to experts, the victims of heat stroke are mainly children up to 4 years of age because their body temperature rises up to 5 times faster than that of an adult. And the risk exists in summer but also in winter since the temperature of the Inside a car goes up from 10 to 15 degrees in less than fifteen minutes.

Although there are no official figures it is estimated that around 20 children have died from this cause in recent years in Spain. The figure in the United States reaches 37 children per year, according to a study by the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and the Arizona State University (ASU).


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